What others are saying...
“This book deserves constant reviewing, rereading and revisiting so that we can be reminded of all it has to offer. It has so many gems and nuggets that it’s hard to apply them all at once. Go back again and again to see what else you can find to apply in your life.” ~Josiann Trainor, 5th grade teacher, Campbell County school district, Wyoming
YOUTH Positive brings together theory and practice, rigorous science and practicle advice. This is an important road map for youth--and their teachers--for creating a happier, better world. ~ Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar, co-founder Wholebeing Institute, author of Happier, Even Happier, and Being Happy
Questions are doorways. They open our minds and our hearts to possibilities ready to be articulated and this work is full of the kind of questions we all wished we had been asked when we were young and the world offered so much promise. Yet, as we work through this workbook, anchored by a solid foundation is research and understanding of what supports and accelerates growth, we come to see that the promise of the world is best made manifest by our own capacity to ask the right questions, to answer them mindfully, and then practice the tools that support the realization of those answers. This is a book for anyone, youth or not, who seeks to move toward a life of meaning, of purpose, of resilience and strength, and of greater well-being. Molly Dahl has captured process for maximizing potential in our youth, and while doing so, invigorates that same possibility for any of us who teach, guide, support and coach children. ~ Dr. Maria Sirois
More than anything Ms. Dahl taught us how to be better humans, how to love life, and how to be happy. ~J'juan White
Ms. Dahl opened my eyes. ~ D.P.
Ms. Dahl, [is] the one person that taught me not only Spanish but also the definition of acceptance--the self, the good, the bad and the ugly of it. I am grateful to have someone show me the way to the truth of oneself. ~John Tran
Youth Positive is a wonderful program that teaches students things that are not usually taught. It opens our eyes and gives us lessons on life that will always be useful, far into the future. ~ E.I.
I’ve enjoyed every single minute I had in (Ms. Dahl’s) class! This is by far the most fun I’ve had in school. ~ C.D.
As a teacher, [Ms.] Dahl was one of the few people that was capable of encouraging us to strive for our personal best. She was a person that you didn't think of as just a cool teacher, but a friend and peer that was always looking to have fun and nurture personal growth. Her combination of fun and concentration on work were inspirational. ~ Aloicious Beer
I remember in class (Ms. Dahl) would always tell us that we need to open our horizons to the rest of the world since there are other cultures and lifestyles being experienced outside of our own. I never took that seriously until I went out and met these people that were so much different that me, which made me realize how little I actually know about the outside world and its people. ~ Sydney Stigall
Ms. Dahl made me want to work harder and learn more because I knew she really was invested in her students as individuals. She made class interesting and 12 years later I still think of her, what she taught me, and how grateful I am for getting to spend 3 years in her classroom. ~Jacqueline Sobrino
I love the way Ms. Dahl teaches and (her) whole outlook on life! (She) made me excited for school and really inspired me to actually learn Spanish. ~A.W.
Seriously though, I don’t know where I’d be without Senorita Dahl. ~B.S.
I have learned more about culture, history, and language (with Ms. Dahl) than in my “World Cultures” class. ~ A.C.R.
I actually looked forward to coming to class (with Ms. Dahl). It’s really fun and you actually learn things. ~ N.G.
(Ms. Dahl) has changed my life. ~ R.
I think I’ve learned more about teamwork and dedication with (Ms. Dahl) than I ever imagined. ~ S.B.
There is just so much to thank (Ms. Dahl) for, but most importantly, thank you for believing in me and my future! You will continue to be my inspiration. ~ H.K.
I am really grateful to have had (Ms. Dahl) as a teacher. She has had a huge impact on everyone’s life that (she’s) touched. ~ T.G.
I don’t think (Ms. Dahl) understands how much (her) students love (her). (She) inspires us. She shows genuine compassion and love for what (she) does and it is incredible. (She) is everything I aspire to be. ~ Anonymous
Ms. Dahl showed me the world and how wonderful it can be. ~ R.E.
Ms. Dahl has a passion for teaching others. She makes a personal connection with every student and will take that extra step to give them a better education. ~ Anonymous